Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Assistant Professor, Department of Environment & Development Studies
ROOM: 735 C
PABX: 7203
Email: mizanur@eds.uiu.ac.bd
Md. Mizanur Rahman is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Environment and Development Studies, United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh from November 17, 2024. He received Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS) in 2016 and Master of Social Sciences (MSS) in 2017 in Sociology from University of Dhaka. He served as a Lecturer in the same department from April 3, 2021 to November 16, 2024. Prior to this teaching position, he was a research fellow in 2019(October)-2021 at Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability at UIU. Side by side this fellowship position, he worked as Research Associate in 2020 at Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka for the feasibility studies of establishing Six (06) Govt. Medical Colleges and Hospitals, Three (03) Govt. Medical Universities and Two (02) Nursing Colleges in Bangladesh. In 2019, he joined as lecturer at an English version college at Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
His professional qualification includes wide-ranging experiences adapted through involvements with different governmental, non-governmental organization (NGO), and international non-governmental organization (INGO) funded projects. He extends a considerable portfolio of published research papers in peer-reviewed international journals. His works have been featured by the AGRIS-International System for Agricultural Science and Technology of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Research interests: ecosystem services; rural economics; agriculture, agroecology and women; women-led climate change adaptation; sustainable livelihoods; sustained ruralization; gender and environmental management.
Research Grants
Principal Investigator
Research Project: Current forms of Urbanization and its impacts on the Environment and the Livelihoods of the local people: A study in Nilphamari, Bangladesh (January, 2022- September, 2023)
Granted amount: BDT 500,000 (approx.)
Funding Organization: Institute for Advanced Research
Research Project: Delineations of Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage in Agriculture and Farmers-led Adaptation: An Empirical Research in Teesta River Basin, Bangladesh (July 15, 2024 to July 14, 2025).
Granted amount: BDT 500,000 (approx.)
Funding Organization: Institute for Advanced Research
Research Project: Reconstruction of Shabolombee Gram: Exploring Local People’s practices of Sustainable Development and Sustainability (October, 2019- July, 2024)
Granted amount: USD 37,000 (approx.)
Funding Organization: Institute for Advanced Research and Oxfam Bangladesh
Co-PI (October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025)
Research Project: Assessment of Vulnerabilities and Opportunities in relation to Environmental Degradation & Climate Change amongst the indigenous communities in the Northeastern Bangladesh
Granted amount: USD 6,500 (approx.)
Funding Organization: Action Against Hunger
Co-PI (January 1, 2021-Arpil 30, 2021)
Research Project: A study on the Promotion of Inclusive Community for Senior Citizens, Persons with Disabilities and Drug Users/ Abusers in Bangladesh (SDDB)
Granted amount: USD 9,000 (approx.)
Funding Organization: Caritas Bangladesh
Lecturer (April 3, 2021- till date)
Department of Environment and Development
Studies (EDS)
United International University
United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka,
Part-time Lecturer
United International University
United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka,
Research Fellow (October, 2019- April 02, 2021)
Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability (IDSS)
United International University
United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Associate (January 12, 2020- December 7, 2020)
- Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Six Govt. Medical Colleges and Hospitals
- Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Three Govt. Medical Universities and Two Nursing College
Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka
Journal Papers
Investigating the changing land use patterns and their impacts on ecosystem in the Teesta River Basin
Publication: Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development
Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman
assessing the climate induced livelihood vulnerability of coastal people using sustainable livelihood framework: a study in south-central bangladesh
Publication: Social Sciences
Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Nazia Tabassum, Jannatul Mehzabin, Salma Begum, M. Anwar Hossen, Md. Tafhimul Islam, Mst. Nazia Sultana Mumu, Mohammad Esa Ibn Belal
Implications of changing urban land use on the livelihoods of local people in northwestern bangladesh
Publication: Sustainability
Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Sharif A. Mukul, Hamidul Huq
Patriarchal challenges for women empowerment in neoliberal agricultural development: a study in northwestern bangladesh
Publication: Social Sciences
Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq, M. Anwar Hossen
Implications of ict for the livelihoods of women farmers: a study in the teesta river basin, bangladesh
Publication: Sustainability
Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq
Women-led climate change adaptation: a study in northwestern bangladesh
Publication: Sustainability
Author List: Hamidul Huq, M. Anwar Hossen, Md. Mizanur Rahman
Gendered Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation: A Quest for Social Sustainability in Badlagaree Village, Bangladesh
Publication: Water
Author List: M. Anwar Hossen, Md. Mizanur Rahman, David Benson, Syeda Zakia Hossain