Ms. Taniah Mahmuda Tinni

Ms. Taniah Mahmuda Tinni

Lecturer, Department of Environment & Development Studies

ROOM: 919

PABX: 7210



Taniah Mahmuda Tinni is a full-time faculty at United International University. In addition, She is pursuing a PhD at Institute of Bangladesh studies, University of Rajshahi. The title of her  research is “Convergence of women’s indigenous knowledge and institutional initiatives in flood risk reduction in Bangladesh. She did her MA in Sociology from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New-Delhi under the Bangladesh Scholarship Scheme 2017-2018. Earlier she accomplished her Bachelor and masters in Folklore from the Department of Folklore, University of Rajshahi. Her research interests are Gender and women studies, Indigenous Knowledge, Disaster Risk Reduction, Cultural Anthropology, Religion and Society etc.

Scholarship and Fellowship

Other Work Experience

  • Lecturer, Sociology and Sustainable Development, Premier University, Chittagong
     February 19, 2020 to September 30, 2023
  • Advocacy Officer, NGO forum for Public Health
     September 1, 2019 to February 15, 2020